Nar shaddaa kotor 2 door code
Nar shaddaa kotor 2 door code

nar shaddaa kotor 2 door code nar shaddaa kotor 2 door code

"If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the galaxy, you will only weaken yourself. The galaxy would have fallen if Revan had not gone to war." The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel that Revan understood that difference, more than anyone knew.

nar shaddaa kotor 2 door code

" It is not the destination that matters-it is the journey." their adherence to the will of the Force." " Oh, not to love is no crime, or so the Jedi believe. When I win, I wish it to be because I was right, my teachings true." I do not want to win our war like this, little Jedi. " Do you think I seek the death of all living things? There is no victory in such things. It is something no Sith or Jedi has ever truly learned." " To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it. Watch as one tries to hold a blaster, as they try to hold a lightsaber, and you will see nothing more than a woman – or a man. " Take the greatest Jedi Knight, strip away the Force, and what remains? They rely on it, depend on it, more than they know. Your military 'tactics' are nothing compared to the Force." "And this is why a common soldier will never triumph against a Jedi. And at times, it makes them much, much less than they are." Such a weapon does not make a Jedi or a Sith. "A lightsaber - any weapon - only achieves worth in how it is wielded - in the effort, the struggle of one who holds it.

nar shaddaa kotor 2 door code

"Plans are fragile things, and life often dashes expectations to the ground." "If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single idea." that is why you must be careful in all that you do, and in every choice you make." "From such small things, from such critical points, the universe and its masses may be moved. "Be careful of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with open hands then a clenched fist." See them instead as an ally, whether they know it or not." It is a far greater victory to make another see through your eyes than to close theirs forever." "Direct action is not always the best way. " To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best." Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn." But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. " Know that there was once a Darth Traya. Note: Just for reference, I will not be using the quote tags for the actual quotes (just to make the quotes easier to read), and all the quotes are from Kreia's single appearance in KotOR II. I may also do similar blogs for other EU characters whose quotes I find worth compiling. This is a compilation of quotes I decided to make for my favorite character, Kreia, as something of a send-off now that she is apart from the current canon.

Nar shaddaa kotor 2 door code